Pure Bliss Healing Arts

Private Health Association

Our goods and services are available to Members only. Membership is free. You will be invited to sign our Membership Agreement at your first appointment.

Book your appointment here

Membership Agreement

I agree to the following terms and conditions of Membership:

OBJECTIVE & PURPOSE.  I agree to join Pure Bliss Healing Arts, a Private Health Association in Natural and Common Law, whose Members desire to achieve optimum spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. Our objective is to provide Members with a place to conduct private business with other Members, keeping all business in the private domain. Our purpose is to help each other experience the highest quality of life, freedom, joy, and abundance.

RIGHTS & FREEDOMS.  We invoke the protections guaranteed by the Constitutions of the united states of America, the several states, the Nation of Hawai’i, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We uphold our Members’ rights to: freedom of religion, speech, petition, assembly, and to gather for the lawful purpose of helping each other assert our rights, in addition to our freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, to not incriminate ourselves, and to exercise all other unalienable rights. We declare we are exercising our right to freedom of association. We uphold the right to choose, and perform for ourselves, the therapies, modalities, and treatments we believe best for diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness or disease, and for achieving and maintaining optimum wellness. We uphold the right to choose for ourselves which Members may provide any type of assistance or counsel regarding all matters including health, spirituality, law, and any other private business activity.

PRIVACY & CONDITIONS.  I am voluntarily changing my capacity from a public “person” to a private Member. Association activities are restricted to the private domain, outside the jurisdiction of government entities, public agencies, officers, agents, contractors, or other representatives. My activities within the Association are a private contractual matter that I shall refuse to share with County, State, Federal, or private investigative / enforcement agencies. I agree not to pursue any course of legal action against a fellow Member unless that Member has exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, and upon the recommendation and approval of an Association dispute resolution tribunal. Complaints or grievances will be settled privately by an Association designee, committee, or tribunal, who will determine the mediation process to be utilized. Public complaints shall be waived for the benefit of the Association, and shall be considered a breach of contract. My Membership may be terminated if I interact with other Members in a way that is contrary, harmful, or detrimental to the focus, principles, and betterment of this Association. I acknowledge I can withdraw from this Agreement and terminate Membership at any time, and my Membership will be revoked if I engage in abusive, violent, menacing, destructive, or harassing behavior.

NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.  I agree to keep all interactions, communications, and activities with other Members in strict confidentiality. I will not discuss a Member’s private information or activities with any public person, entity, media platform, or public official, without express written consent. Violation of this Non-Disclosure Agreement will result in immediate termination of Membership.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.  I enter into this agreement of my own free will, without any pressure or coercion. I affirm that I do not represent any County, State, Federal, or other agency whose purpose is to regulate or approve products or services, or to carry out any mission of entrapment, enforcement, or investigation. I have read and fully comprehend this Agreement.

By: [First Middle Last Name]

Autograph: ___________________

Date: ___________________